- TS-Rewire Interview With Gangster
- Tiberian Odyssey Interview With Morpher
- Tiberium Essence Interview With Carnius
Interviewee: Gangster (TS-Rewire Leader)
Interviewer: Republic_Commando_401 (C&C-Relived Web Master)
News Description: For the first time ever, TS-Rewire leader "Gangster" had been interviewed by C&C-Relived, a Fan site which recently premiered on PPM. Gangster was nice enough to give up some of his time to answer a few questions about the current development of TS-Rewire.Gangster joins us via MSN from Russia:
So Gangster, what made you mod Red Alert 2?
well, I love CnC Generals, TS and RA2. So i have spent a lot of time playing them. I can't really say what exactly was it that made me want to mod RA2, but the Community have provided me a lot of tools plus, i have have some skills already, so i started helping other mods like Exodus and Tiberian Odyssey, and later, I decided to do something by my own.
TS-Rewire has been around for some time, and it looks promising. would you let us know what the estimated release date is?
the first public release will be in September as a beta version
I notice you have commented on having difficulty with putting Tiberium veins in RA2, which is a unsupported tile. How do you plan on addressing this problem?
The first release will have no veins except fake ones for an eye candy. Later i hope Ares will add support for this feature
Eye candy, It could work. Firestorm wall is another tough challenge. Could you make it work, or is this another place where you can only do eye candy?
Firestorm wall as well as Laser Fence already works :)
Many units have been made. Is there a list of finished voxels?
All Tiberian Sun voxels are finished
Do you have any intention of putting Rewire up on ModDB for the larger modding community to see?
not until first release
What do you find most challenging in creating this mod?
I am not alone, i do have a skilled team and together we have solved almost everything code wise, modeling, voxeling terrain editing. most challenging to me is a lack of time, i have had to sacrifice with my sleeping time sometimes. :)
Well, it would be worth the sacrifice when it releases as a popular mod wouldn't it be?
indeed. I hope it will.
C&C-Relived: Every game needs patches. Obviously there will be errors in early releases, how do you plan to support Rewire's betas?
yeah. though it haven't been discussed inside time yet, i think i will be able to provide fixes very often via SVN service
thanks once again it's been a pleasure interviewing you and may C&C-Relived wish your mod a happy and popular release.
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